I have a job now! It's my first job. I'm sysadmin on a store that sells wood and construction material. You can check out their site here: www.ajmoreira.com. There's much to do about the site...
But there's more!
They're going to install new terminal and server software, due to new regulations from the capitalist pig which require companies to upgrade their software to have a link to our country's financing, helping our country get every last cent we need to get out of the financial crysis while keeping the political class nice and spoiled.
I digress. I'm going to be a key element to help with this upgrade. The people working there need training and help with the new software, and I'll also have to move the old data from the old Unix server, to the new system. I'll also have to find a way to create backups of all the data, dealing with never-ending (but not very serious) data growth. Will zlib and a python script cut it? Do I really need full redundancy? Where will I keep the data? External 1Tb hard drives? How often to backup? Nightly? What's the best way to schedule this?
Another task is the website. A website replacement might be in order, complete with full design, and everything. I'm also going to have to find a way to link the website to the database of the system without having to query the system for every page loaded. I could build up a cache, put it online. Cache would be built nightly, as well. Do I really need to update everything on the cache? How could I avoid that?
A lot of problems to solve, and a lot of interesting ideas to solve them come up all the time. A huge system in my hands, I hope I'm up to it.
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