Saturday 23 February 2013

Python discovery: urlparse - parse URLs with ease

I had a problem during testing: I wanted to test the query part of an url generated by a function. I was getting my regex hat out, when I started to wonder if the Python standard library included something to do what I sought to do.

A quick google search for "python parse url" did the trick. I found out about the urlparse module, which was clearly made for this purpose.

Example of parsing urls with python using the urlparse module:

    >>> from urlparse import urlparse
    >>> urlparse('') 
    ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='', path='/pth', params='', query='q=123', fragment='frag')
    >>> parse_result = _
    >>> parse_result.scheme
    >>> parse_result.query
    >>> parse_result.fragment

Lesson learned: There are many more things in the Python standard library than one would dare imagine.

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