Tuesday 13 March 2012

Creating my new employer's website

Been a while since I posted.

What I've been doing:

Both at work and in my spare time, I've started messing around with the Android SDK, and am planning a small mobile app. I'm usually very concerned with the UI aspect, so I believe I'll make something good and useable.

I've changed jobs, and my previous bosses at António José Moreira decided that I wouldn't get paid for my work in the month of January. They state that the work was being done on a per-objective basis and that they haven't been satisfied with my work. However, they always paid a constant monthly salary.

Working at António José Moreira was a challenge, but I was always aware of their ruthless nature. As a company, they never cared for the well-being or satisfaction of their customers, or even cared to pay their suppliers or service providers at all.

I doubt that they will pay my salary willingly. However I have earned my pay with hard work, and I'm determined to get it.

My new company and their new website

I work at a company called Descontel Consulting now. They are a small company with less than 20 employees (Not sure of the exact size though).

I've already made their new website. I used Joomla! CMS for the first time, and I must say it was fun customizing a template and making it work with all the components.

First I created the above image (grayscale helps me focus on organisation of content rather than how the page looks like)

Then I was asked to take Twitter off the top of the page, so I decided to make the above 3-column layout. The black thing to the right was a screenshot of the Twitter plugin I thought I was going to use.

After that, I colored it and started coding the HTML

No programming was involved, since everything was handled by Joomla. My work there was just creating the template, planning and organizing content and a lot of HTML and CSS. I used this great jQuery plugin for the slider up on the top. The site currently loads the jQuery library twice, though, because of the twitter module. I'm going to have to optimize that.

I had to support Internet Explorer 6, and I did so using a second stylesheet and a conditional comment in the page header.

Like this:

<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template?>/css/style_ie6.css" type="text/css" />

It does make the browser download another stylesheet, but it's not a big one, and I didn't have the time to support IE 6 properly.


  1. Hi Fabio,

    You were good enough to paste the automenu magic listing on GitHub. As it turns out I have not used it; instead I have made (I think) a better solution as a plugin. If you are still after something like that I can email it to you if you like.


    1. Actually, that would be nice. What have you cooked up?
